
Lilian Place Heritage Center

  • Address: 111 Silver Beach Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL 32118
  • Phone: (386) 256-4810
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Purchased by the Heritage Preservation Trust in 2009, Lilian Place was built in 1884 and is the oldest home on the beachside of Daytona Beach. Lilian Place is a prime example of Italianate High Victorian architecture with its high ceilings, wood crown moldings and heart-of-pine floors. The 1905 Hotchkiss House is the original home of Eli Hotchkiss, "the Stapler King," and is now home to the Lilian Place Heritage Center. Both historic properties were saved through Volusia County ECHO grants with partial funding from Volusia County Cultural grants. These are two of the oldest and finest examples of late nineteenth century architecture on beachside. Step into the past for a tour of Lilian Place or enjoy a little social time with friends at an Afternoon Tea, Whodunit Mystery Dinner, Dining with the Spirits, Paranormal Investigations or a special event!