Transportation Services
The Daytona Beach area is very accessible whether you are traveling in your own personal vehicle or prefer to use available transportation. This section includes information on vehicle rentals and public transportation. Please call each for rates and reservations.
Volusia County's Public Transit System (VOTRAN)
Phone: (386) 756-7496
Regular service: Regular bus service throughout Volusia County is available from VOTRAN.
Hours of operation: Varies, contact the office for current schedule
Accessibility: Equipped with wheelchair lifts or ramp and seating, and able to accommodate electric wheelchairs and scooters.
VOTRAN Gold Para-Transit Service: VOTRAN's Gold Service is available to persons who, because of physical or mental disability or age, are unable to transport themselves and cannot use fixed-route bus service. Assisting devices such as wheelchair lifts and lowered steps for easy boarding access meet requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act. The VOTRAN public transportation system offers door-to-door para-transit service for disabled persons who are unable to use the regular bus service. Reservations must be made at least one day in advance. VOTRAN provides complimentary para-transit service to ADA eligible individuals who travel to Volusia County. If these individuals have been certified as "ADA Para-transit eligible" by a public entity, that certification will be honored for up to 21 days. If they have not been certified as eligible by another public entity but claim they are ADA Para-transit eligible, they are entitled to "presumptive eligibility" for up to 21 days. If service is needed beyond this period, individuals will be required to apply for eligibility in the area they are visiting.
Scheduling VOTRAN Gold Para-Transit Service
Qualified persons or their personal care attendants must request transportation at least one day in advance of travel. Reservations can be made no more than 7 days in advance. When calling the Gold Service reservations office, please remember to make reservations for personal care attendants or companions desiring transportation and advise of any special assistance services needed.
For schedule and reservations, please call VOTRAN Gold Para-Transit at (386) 322-5100.
Phone: (386) 255-5555
Description: Wheelchair and stretcher transport services, non-emergency medical and accompaniment transportation, including airport rides (Daytona Beach, Orlando, Sanford)
Florida Van Rentals
Phone: (866) 322-4400
Wheelchair Getaways of Central Florida
Phone: (800) 642-2042
Service Area: Orlando, Daytona Beach, Melbourne
Mobility Works
Phone: (877) 275-4915
Van and Vehicle Rentals with Hand Controls - Most major car rental companies are represented n the Daytona Beach area and offer hand controls for their vehicles. All require advanced notice. Contact the car rental company of your choice for details.
Taxi Services - Several taxi services, as well as ride-share options, are available in the Daytona Beach area.
The Daytona Beach Area Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website to people with disabilities. The CVB is actively working to increase the accessibility and usability of the website. The CVB does not discriminate in its programs and services on the basis of religion, age, race, color, national origin, gender, marital or parental status, or disability and complies the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. Due to the CVB’s integration with external vendors, some areas within the site remain beyond our control. To report an accessibility issue, request accessibility assistance regarding our website content, or to request a specific electronic format, please complete our Accessibility Feedback Form. We will make reasonable efforts to accommodate all needs.