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Daytona Beach Blog

Hotel Deals for Every Budget in the Daytona Beach Area

Visitors seeking special deals on accommodations in the Daytona Beach area, can visit the Daytona Beach Hotel Deals page and discover a wide range of offers to make their stay affordable. With everything from oceanfront hotel rooms, cottages and resorts, bed & breakfasts, condo hotels and campgrounds and RV parks — there’s a place to stay for every…

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Great Reasons to Visit Daytona Beach in the Winter

For a lot of people, Daytona Beach is synonymous with summer. But here’s a big secret: Warm weather continues in Florida, even when it’s cold most everywhere else in the country. (OK — it’s not really a secret. In the fall and winter, after summer ends and school starts, there are a few less visitors, even though the Florida fun is still as big as…

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