
Driving on the Beaches in Daytona Beach

Please be a responsible beach driver by driving only in designated areas and observing the speed limit. The driving areas are designated by signs and wooden posts. Please watch for pedestrians, sunbathers and wildlife. Parking is allowed east, or seaward, of the posts.

The beach is open to vehicles from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. or sundown, whichever is earlier, from May 1 through October 31 and between sunrise and sunset from November 1 to April 30, tides permitting.

Driving on the beach requires a fee of $20 per vehicle per day, which allows for an entire day of beach driving and parking. In an effort to conserve our natural resources, beach access is limited to specific sections of the beach and is dependent on tide conditions. Click here for more information on driving on Volusia County beaches.

Starting Oct. 1, non-Volusia County residents will be subject to a $30 fee for a beach driving day pass or $150 for an annual pass, plus applicable taxes and fees. Volusia County residents can enjoy driving on the beach without having to pay a fee. 

On the beach, parking is allowed east (seaward) of the conservation zone. Please park facing either the ocean or the dunes. The map shows the locations of off-beach parking areas.

Beach Driving Map - South
Beach Driving Map - North

Off-beach parking is offered at these parks and parking lots:
(additional parking fees may apply)

  • Ormond-by-the Sea: Bicentennial, North Shore and Tom Renick parks 
  • Ormond Beach: Andy Romano Beachfront Park
  • Daytona Beach: University, 834 N. Atlantic Avenue
  • Daytona Beach: Sun Splash and Breakers Oceanfront  parks 
  • Daytona Beach Shores: Frank Rendon, Van Avenue and Larry Fornari parks  
  • Wilbur-by-the-Sea: Heron Street, Toronita Avenue and Major Street  
  • Ponce Inlet: Winterhaven and Lighthouse Point parks and Inlet Harbor Road 
  • New Smyrna Beach: Smyrna Dunes, Flagler Avenue and 27th Avenue parks; and Matthews Avenue 
  • South of New Smyrna Beach: Bethune Beach Park 

Volusia County has taken several steps to protect these gentle creatures. Beach driving and parking is regulated. Vehicles are not allowed west (landward) of the dune conservation zone where sea turtle nests are most common. Night driving and lighting from beachfront properties is restricted because the mother turtles and tiny hatchlings are confused by bright lights.