
Ponce Inlet Beach Racing South Atlantic Avenue Historic Marker

  • Address: 4589 South Atlantic Avenue, Ponce Inlet, FL 32127
  • Phone: (386) 236-2163
This small stretch of roadway was once part of the original Atlantic Avenue, which was the southbound portion of the famous Ponce Inlet beach road course. The National Association of Stock Car Racing (NASCAR) was formed in 1948 and sanctioned automobile racing on this course from 1948 through 1958. Sanctioned motorcycle racing was conducted on this course from 1948 until 1960. Vehicles racing on the 4.1 mile beach road course would travel north on the hard packed sand beach, turning left at the banked sand North Turn, and then travel south on the two lane paved Atlantic Avenue until they reached the start/finish line at the banked sand South turn, thus completing one lap. The sites of the North and South Turns, as well as this site, have been designated as local Historic Landmarks by the Town of Ponce Inlet.