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2019 Florida Outdoor Writers Association Travel Blogger Contest

The Daytona Beach Area Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) is hosting the 2019 Florida Outdoor Writers
Association (FOWA) conference in Daytona Beach, September 18-21. The CVB has launched a travel blogger
contest for Florida outdoor writers, photographers and social media influencers who are non-FOWA members.
The winner will be announced at the conference.

Entry Information

Please email entries to Tonya West, Daytona Beach Area CVB communications specialist, and include:

  • Entrant name, address and telephone number
  • Website
  • Two blog entries are permissible. Send links to specific blog posts or photo essays.
  • PDFs are acceptable. Provide proof of publication date with submission.

 Blog Contest Details

  • Contest entries will be judged by Jennifer Huber, founder of, Diane Bedard, publisher of, and Kate Holcomb, Daytona Beach Area CVB director of communications
  • There is no fee to enter; two submissions per entrant only
  • Open to established and budding Florida outdoor writers, travel bloggers, photographers and social media influencers who are not members of FOWA
  • Blog must have a Florida outdoors theme and be a minimum of 500 words; photo essays and captions will be accepted
  • Blogs and photo essays must be published between January 1, 2018, and August 1, 2019
  • The prize package includes FOWA membership dues for one year. In addition, the winner will receive a complimentary two-night hosted media visit with meal reimbursement. A customized itinerary will be developed and any attractions and outdoor excursions will be covered. The winner will produce a blog about the hosted visit and will receive one guest blog post on and includes one paid Facebook boost. Black-out dates apply. Transportation is not included.

 The deadline to enter is August 15 and entry forms will be shared with FOWA.