
Art Imitates Life

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Are you ready to meet some new friends? On November 22nd, thirteen life-size, life-like bronze statues will be placed throughout the Historic Ormond Beach Downtown along Granada Blvd. from A1A to US 1, and will remain through April 2025. Called “Art Imitates Life,” the sculpture
installation is being presented by the Ormond Beach Arts District. The non-profit has raised more than $50,000 from local sponsors to bring the sculptures to Ormond Beach for the six-month residency.

All 13 sculptures are the work of world-renowned American ar\st, Seward Johnson (1930-2020). Johnson’s sculptures have been displayed in public spaces around the world, including Times Square, Palm Springs, Rome, Australia, and the Venice Film Fes\val, and are included in
numerous private and public collec\ons and museums.

Most of the sculptures on display in Ormond Beach will be drawn from his “Celebra\ng the Familiar” series, which features people doing everyday things. Two are from his “Icons Revisited” series, including Rosie the Riveter and the famous Times Square kiss on V-J Day. One, from his “Beyond the Frame” series, depicts the ar\st Claude Monet at work on a canvas. From his spot in Rockefeller Gardens, Monet will be pain\ng a landscape of the Granada Bridge!

The pieces will be located on both public and private property along the Granada Boulevard corridor from A1A to Lewis Street. Stroll along Granada Blvd. or venture into the city’s riverfront parks and you will find tennis players, families, fishermen, puppies, rabbits, a leger carrier on his rounds and more. Visit the website to view a map of the locations of the statues. 





